I have tattoos which I designed myself. (That's my artistic and wild side) In love with nature and anything to do outdoors. Dress code is ALWAYS casual and comfortable with me (I really hate skirts) As for other stuff I like to do....there is painting and drawing, movies, reading sci-fi/fantasy books (I have my own personal library, its a problem!), going to Renaissance fairs (yes, I am a total geek ) and playing MMORPGs like World of Warcraft. Are there any gamers out there that wanna party-up?
I am exploring a more ZEN-like attitude, I need lots more peace in my life. I might try meditation (got creative visualization cds in the car) and Tai Chi. Reading and art has always been my escape from reality. I want to learn more patience and acceptance of who I am and stop trying to change for anyone else. Then maybe I will attract a partner who is GOOD for me. (Isn't that a novel idea?)
I am looking for a someone who does not judge a person by their size. Since I have some extra fluff on my frame,