Im not really into goin on and on and on all about me in these profile things because thats all part of the getting to know me process...Right? but i guess i'll stick by the rules. Normally i'd prefer on a one on one basis rather than blasting my business for those that really could care less so to But the basics about me...
Well Im 23, Im AAAALLLLL CAPRICORN baby! *cheeze* so im the sweetest person you'll ever meet. Im really girly but i must admit i do have short patience/quick temper, lmao, which ever one you'd prefer. No, but seriously i'm real kool people. And once you get to know me you'll see that. Im super Girly and am always smileing! but i Think this is enough for now...
Real quick the type of female that most attracts my attention is a chocolate more aggressive one than myself
